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发布时间:2023-11-21 作者与来源:  浏览次数:


题目: Research in Composite Materials & Structures @ NUS

主讲人:T.E. (Tong-Earn) Tay 教授

时间:20231124日星期五 900



   T.E. (Tong-Earn) Tay is Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). He leads a research group focussed on multi-scale and multi-fidelity computational modeling of progressive damage, failure, delamination and impact of composites. Professor Tay was formerly Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering (2011-2015) and Vice-Dean for Research for Faculty of Engineering (2009-2011). He is an associate editor for the Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, editorial board member of the Journal of Composite Materials, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Applied Composite Materials, Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling Experiment and Design, and Journal of Multiscale Modeling. He is a Professional Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Founding Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Engineering (FSAE) and Council Member of the Asian-Australasian Association for Composite Material. Professor Tay is a recipient of the JEC Asia Life Achievement Award. His research has led to more than 185 journal publications, 4 book chapters and 260 conference and seminar presentations (2022). Professor Tay has graduated 19 PhD students and mentored 21 postdoctoral researchers and 10 research engineers. He has also been the principal investigator of research grants from Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA), Economic Development Board (EDB), Ministry of Education, Marine & Port Authority (MPA), US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and direct industry funding (Maruhachi, Airbus, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Vestas, Haliburton, DSM, etc.).


   Besides an introduction to composites related research at NUS, this talk presents recent developments in the multi-fidelity and multi-scale modeling of progressive damage and delamination in fiber-reinforced composites. The main motivation is to preserve fidelity to physics, while keeping computational efficiency and costs at manageable levels. While there have been significant progress in recent years, challenges and unresolved research questions remain, such as the potential of machine learning to model progressive damage accurately without resorting to hi-fidelity (and therefore hi-cost and time-consuming) computational models. The talk also presents some experimental research activities and testing facilities to complement numerical modeling. Finally, an invitation to collaborate with NUS in topics of common interest is extended to interested academic staff and students.





主讲人:郭建刚 研究员

时间:20231123 星期四15:15-16:50



   郭建刚,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院物理研究所先进材料与结构分析实验室副主任。在Nat. Commun.JACSPRL等发表论文112篇,研究成果入选Physical Review B创刊50周年里程碑论文,申请发明专利8项。入选中国科学院院级人才计划2019年获基金委优秀青年项目资助,获2020年得国家自然科学二等奖(第2完成人),2021年中科院科技促进发展奖和2022年北京市自然科学二等奖,任iScience编委,InfomatChinese Physics Letters及物理四刊青年编委。






题目:Designing natural biomaterial 3D scaffolds/matrices for regenerative medicine

主讲人:Subhas Kundu Professor

时间:20231123日星期四 14:00



        Subhas C Kundu教授,欧洲生物材料委员会欧洲研究区主席,印度理工大学生物技术学院的创始人、首任院长,韩国檀国大学的杰出邀请教授,现任葡萄牙米尼奥大学生物材料及仿生研究所特邀教授。迄今为止,Kundu教授在Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Acta Biomaterialia, Biomaterials, Progress in Polymer Science, Biotechnology Advances, Soft Matter, Tissue Engineering, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials等学术期刊上发表论文240多篇,H指数为76,论文他引超过25200次。主要研究领域为丝蛋白基生物材料及其在组织工程、药物缓释、癌症三维建模和药物筛选领域的应用。


    The challenge for 3D in vitro cell culture modelling is the development of appropriate biomaterials that replicate the biological, chemical, and mechanical complexities of the native 3D scenario. Current improvements allow the growth of intelligent biomaterials that can fix the complex features of the extracellular environment in terms of structural support and composition. Silk protein fibroin and sericins are utilized for 3D cell cultures in pure form or by blending with other biomaterials, improving their physiological resemblance (mechanical properties, biodegradability, and biocompatibility). We have designed and investigated how silk protein fibroins and sericins with different formats, like scaffolds, hydrogels, nanofiber electrospun mats, and micro- and macro patterns, support the growth of different types of cells (bone, cartilage, cardiomyocytes, skin, and stem cells) for attachment, proliferation, differentiation, and tissue regeneration, including coculture of disease and normal cells. We show how silk fibroin alone and/or blend supports cancer cell growth. The coculture of cancer cells with fibroblasts and mesenchymal stem cells better mimics the tumour microenvironment and drug response. I will discuss the trends of silk biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.




题目:柔性光电材料与智能传感 学术交流

主讲人:陈韦 陈润锋 武观 王列

时间:20231122日星期三 14:30







