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发布时间:2023-10-18 作者与来源:  浏览次数:


主讲人:易聪 教授




     易聪, 浙江大学医学院百人计划研究员,博士生导师。中国生物物理学会膜生物学分会理事。主持基金委优青项目、重大研究计划培育项目、集成项目子课题、浙江省杰青项目等。主要研究方向为细胞自噬发生的分子机制和生理病理意义。目前围绕以下三个方面开展工作:1.自噬的表观遗传调控;2.能量匮乏诱导自噬发生过程中的调控机制与功能;3.选择性自噬发生的调控机制。近年来发表的第一作者或通讯作者论文包括ScienceCellDev CellEMBO JPNASAutophagy等。上述论文或被Science作为亮点进行介绍、或被Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyMolecular CellScience子刊Science Signaling进行亮点评论、或被Faculty1000收录并推荐。


     Autophagy is essential for maintaining glucose homeostasis. However, the mechanism by which cells sense and respond to glucose starvation to induce autophagy remains incomplete. Here, we show that calciumserves as a fundamental triggering signal that connects environmental sensing to the formation of the autophagy initiation complex during glucose starvation. Mechanistically, glucose starvation instigatesthe release of vacuolar calciuminto the cytoplasm, thus triggering calmodulin-dependent activation of Rck2 kinase. In turn, Rck2-mediated Atg11 phosphorylation enhances Atg11 interactions with Bmh1/2 bound to the Snf1-Sip1-Snf4 complex, leading to recruitment of vacuolar membrane-localized Snf1 to the PAS and subsequent Atg1 activation, thereby initiating autophagy. We also identified Glc7, a protein phosphatase-1, as a critical regulator of the association between Bmh1/2 and Snf1 complex. We thus propose that calcium-triggered the assembly of adaptor complex initiates autophagy by controlling Snf1-mediated Atg1 activation in response to energy stress.

