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【讲座预告】学有所长,研有所用!青年科学家交叉论坛开年第二讲“金属有机框架(MOF)材料的催化和能源应用 ”

发布时间:2023-03-14 作者与来源:科学技术处  浏览次数:


主讲人:徐强 教授/博导

时间:2023年3月14日星期二 14:30



徐强,南方科技大学讲席教授,日本工程院院士,印度国家科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士。曾先后任日本国立产业技术综合研究所(AIST)首席研究员,AIST-京都大学能源化学材料开放创新实验室主任,神户大学、京都大学兼职教授。在Nat. Chem.、Nat. Catal.、Chem. Rev.、 Adv. Mater.等期刊发表论文400余篇,被引用超过37000多次,H因子大于100。2014-2022年连续入选汤森路透-科睿唯安全球高被引学者,曾获汤森路透研究前沿奖、洪堡研究奖及市村地球环境学术奖等。担任《EnergyChem》主编,《Coord. Chem. Rev.》副主编,《Adv. Energy Mater.》、《Chem》、《Matter》、《Chem. Asian J. 》、《Small Structures》、《ChemNanoMat》、《Adv. Sustain. Syst.》等期刊编委。目前主要致力于金属有机框架(MOF)及其衍生材料的可控制备及其在(光)电解水制氢、电化学能源存储与转换和气体传感等领域的应用。


Recently, we have successfully synthesized a number of porous MOFs and developed their new applications as catalysts, as supports for metal nanoparticles and as templates/precursors for synthesis of nanostructured materials.1 Porous carbons and carbon composite materials have been synthesized by using MOFs as templates/precursors and the resultant materials display high specific surface areas and excellent electrochemical properties as electrode materials for electric double-layered capacitor (EDLC) and as electrocatalysts for various reactions. Nano-MOFs, including super-long single-crystal cobalt-organic framework (Co-MOF) nanotubes and a single-crystal capsular-MOF with openings on the wall, have been synthesized, and their derivatives by carbonization have exhibited excellent activities for electrocatalytic reactions such as oxygen evolution (OER), hydrogen evolution (HER), and oxygen reduction (ORR). “Quasi-MOFs” have been prepared by controlled deligandation of MOFs, which have a transition-state structure between porous MOFs and metal oxides and exhibit dramatically enhanced catalytic performance. This talk will discuss the catalytic and energy applications of MOF-derived nanomaterials.



